Sunday, 24 May 2009

Reason for Leaving Statement

Friends, neighbors, and colleagues may already be asking you, “What happened with your job?”

You will hear this question frequently as you launch your search. You need to be prepared to answer it capably, regardless of who asks it. Therefore, one of the first things you will do is develop a response that is truthful and acceptable to you, and to your previous and prospective employers.

You probably will edit your Reason for Leaving Statement several times.

When drafting your statement, please consider these 4 points:

Keep it short and factual - The more you try to explain, the more difficult your explanation becomes. Also be prepared to answer follow up questions, but only if they are asked.

Be positive - Negative statements about your former boss or employing organization will only hurt you.

Put Your Best Foot Forward - A number of factors result in someone leaving a job. Pick the one reason that is most positive, accurate and easiest to explain.

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